Our 2030 Vision

In January of 2018, we launched our 2030 Vision. This vision was a result of asking the question, “What might happen if the people of Faith Baptist Church fully comprehended the depth of God’s love, and were filled with the fullness of God as described in Ephesians 3:14-20?” As we prayerfully considered this question, we concluded that disciples who are motivated by God’s love and filled with His Spirit will seek to make him known to their neighbors and the nations. To that end, our 2030 Vision is comprised of seven goals that are focused on making disciples and strengthening the global church. We are praying that between now and the year 2030, God might allow us as a church to see these goals realized. We are trusting that as we follow the Lord, he will “do above and beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:21)!

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203,000 Gospel Conversations

Making disciples begins when followers of Jesus share the good news of the Gospel

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20,300 Professions of Faith

We are trusting that as we share the Gospel, people will respond with faith in Jesus.

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20,300 People Mobilized to Serve Our Community

We want our community to know that we love them. As we serve the community, it opens relational doors for the Gospel to be shared.

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2,030 People Mobilized on Mission Trips

Mission trips are a great way to be a part of fulfilling the Great Commission, they give us opportunity to care for current missionaries, and they’re often used by God to call more laborers to the mission field.

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203 Leaders Trained as Pastors, Church Planters & Missionaries

The Kingdom of God is bigger than Faith Baptist Church and we want to be a sending church that gives of itself to see God’s Kingdom be expanded.

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30 Churches Revitalized

There are many churches in the United States that are on the verge of dying. We want to see churches be revitalized to once again be a vibrant outpost for the gospel.

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20 Churches Planted

There are many areas of our country and world that have little to no Gospel witness. Planting healthy churches in these areas is the only way many will ever hear about Jesus.